Flying Mini Wings (mini paragliders) and Speed Flying

Mini Wing / Speed Flying Training Program (M1/s1) - $1200

Mini Wing Day Class - $400 (with gear rental)

Mini Wing Day Class - $300 (on your gear)

Small paragliders, mini wings, hybrids, and speed wings all have quite different designs and flight characteristics. Let us help you decide and discover which wing is right for you, your flying preferences, and application.

Our lesson day is generally a 4 to 6 hour day on the training hill. Your day starts out with a brief an equipment introduction and brief demonstration.  Using ground handling (kiting) to familiarize you with the aerodynamics and differences in flight characteristics of the wing builds your confidence and understanding of how the glider flies.

Ground handling or kiting will save your life in a windy situation, it is also an important tool in understanding the flight characteristics of your wing. The more you kite, the better your understanding and skills will be once you are airborne. It is also a key skill which separates a good novice pilot from an advanced pilot. The feeling and muscle memory learned by practicing kiting carries over directly to your active piloting and pressure management while flying. Once you are skilled in kiting, you can then focus on your launch confidently, knowing you have the skills to react to whatever Mother Nature sends your way.

Most M1 certifications take 3-4 lessons, but this can vary depending on weather, knowledge you already have about airsports, and your own personal commitment.

Speed Flying and Mini Wing Clinic

Cape Kiwanda, Oregon


Speed flying and miniwing clinic on the stunning sand dunes at Cape Kiwanda on the Oregon coast.

Beginner friendly with instruction and site intro

Hosted by Freeboern Air Sports

September - Eastern Sierra and Tahoe (California)

November - Paragliding, mini wing and speed flying Moab, Utah

March - May - Mini Wing Season at the DUNES in Monterey, California

March - Speed Wing, Mini Wing, and full size Big Sur, California

April - July - Tandems, paragliding, mini wing and speed flying clinics at the Dunes. Monterey, California.
